I am really happy to work with Phd Students/ Post-docs at ULB. Below, you find a list of the students I am currently (co-)supervising together with some recent articles we published.

Postdoc researchers

Maxime Boucher (ULB), 2022-…

Maxime holds a Master degree in Statistics, Probability and Applied Mathematics together with a phd degree in Statistics. During his Phd thesis he studied the coherence of high dimensional random matrices.

Phd Students

Valentin Henon (ULB, co-supervised with Julien Turin), 2023—….
Valentin has a Bachelor degree and a Master degree in Mathematics from the University of Lille, France. He is currently working on inference based on penalized estimators in the vicinity of linear constraints with application in insurance econometrics.

Laura Peralvo Maroto (ULB, co-supervised with Davy Paindaveine), 2021—….
Laura has a Bachelor degree in Mathematics from the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) and has two Master degrees: one in Mathematics and one in Statistics both from the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB). She is currently working on rank-based inference in several triangular arrays setups.

Past Phd Students:

  • Gaspard Bernard (completed in 2023)
  • Julien Remy (completed in 2022, co-supervised with Davy Paindaveine)
  • Christine Cutting (completed in 2020, co-supervised with Davy Paindaveine)
  • Joséa Rasoafaraniaina (completed in 2020, co-supervised with Davy Paindaveine)